Skyping with my son

Dad, do 'Who wants to be a millionaire'. You do realize you'll win, right?

I tried once, in 2000, made 100 phone calls and got one call back: how high in feet is the highest waterfall in the world? 10 seconds, no peeking.

That was in 2000, now it's 19 years later, way more knowledge, try again.

Maybe, but I thought it had finished.

Jermy Clarkson does it now HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA.

Does he? No way, then.

But why? It'd be good, you can indirectly insult him; also you could seriously win.

If I got to the hot seat I could win a good amount, yes, even if not a million.

Yea, you could do it.

Thanks for the confidence.

I just want the inheritance.

You greedy sod, you've already got loads from your mother's family.

But I want more.

Then earn it.

Plus I'll be more than 30 when I inherit that money then I'll be unfuckable.

Let me get this right, you want me to be on Millionaire and win so I can pop my clogs quick and leave you all the money to get girls?

Did I stutter?


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