Why Bourgeois #MeToo Sucks Ass

In response to Hadley Freeman

It was just silly things at first: staring at me

Staring at Hadley would be silly and certainly a sign of poor taste.
But more than a teacher should give to a student, which is any number from one upwards.

I wonder what gives Hadley such absolute moral authority on this subject. Apart from being an immensely privileged woman with a soapbox who wants things to whine about

I worried about him.

Sure she did. I bet she lay awake at night full of pious concern.

He didn’t feel bad now, because he didn’t feel bad then.

Why should he? He wanted a date, didn't get one and moved on. Pity Hadley can't, whiiiiiiiiine.

#MeToo movement that was supposed to change gender relations for ever.

By criminalizing, or at least hounding out, anyone who does not share WCTU morality. Nice.

In 2016, he was acquitted of four counts of sexual assault and one count of choking, relating to three women.

Yes, acquitted. But never mind, eh? God forbid an innocent man should be allowed to tell his side of the story. I note the editor who commissioned this piece got, er, hounded out.

The Fall Of Men is the NYRB’s coverline, although men don’t seem to have fallen so far that they won’t get commissioned to write 3,500 words about how great they are.

Words fail me, though in fairness Hadley does not need 3,500 words, or even 350, to remind us how appalling she is.

"If somebody can be brought down by accusations like this, then you, me, every man should be worried. We can all be accused of something." Look what you’ve done, women: you’ve made men feel bad.

It's a bit more than 'feeling bad'. Careers, marriages, families are being wrecked by shadowy accusers on nothing more than he said, she said.

Imagine the narcissism required to be told, by multiple women, how bad you made them feel.

Oh no, Hadley, do you feel bad? Please tell us all about it. Don't forget the Chardonnay.

The McDonald's women's strike, the one where real, working class women are making a stand against groping burger bosses, barely gets a mention in this paper. Has one of those women been given a platform? I wonder why the Groan is not raging to show solidarity with their min-wage sisters. Because this is not about respect for the real oppressed; and that is Why Bourgeois #MeToo Sucks Ass.


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