
Funny thing happened the other day. I was on Skype and the ex was wittering on about something while my son sat there, sighing. Suddenly he put out his hand and clapped it over her mouth. 'Shut up, mummy; my turn now!'
She was furious! 
'How dare you!' she rasped, while my son blinked, demure and innocent. 'Are you going to do it again?' 
He shook his head and she flounced off. 'Now, dad, tell me more about Odysseus.'
I had to protest, a little, 'Harry, are you being naughty?'
He stuck his tongue into his cheek and grinned, 'Odysseus, dad.'
I'll give him one thing. He managed to keep her quiet for five seconds, which is more than I managed to do in five years. Kids these days...


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