
I bought a leg of Australian lamb on Thursday. 6lbs for a tenner can't be bad; after hosting a dinner party for four and five days of fricassée, curry and cold cuts, I have just put the bone to simmer for some flavoursome stock. 

The dinner party was very pleasant: with the lamb there was mash (potatoes from Saudi) and wilted spinach (from Lebanon), all washed down with vast quantities of South African claret and some good conversation. 

I am not as a rule the most sociable of people. At most parties I would be the one standing by the door wondering if anyone would notice if I went home now and listened to Verdi. But although I have to agree that I'm a bit odd, I don't wish to be thought aloof, so it was nice to have company and thank you to those who came. We'll do it again. But not too soon.


Rarareen said…
Five days? My God, you're thrifty. Sounds a very pleasant affair. Halfway between aloof and gregarious... alarious, just like me!
Simon M Hunter said…
Not really thrifty, R; there was just so much meat on this leg, as the actress said to the bishop.
Rarareen said…
I wouldn't like to see that after five days on the go.
Simon M Hunter said…
As I say, only the bone was left.
Rarareen said…
Hell's bells...

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