When you disturb the rhyme...


MeltonM said…
I was unaware that Warren Clarke was in this until I resaw it a couple of years ago. I suppose he was an unknown in 1972, when I first watched it. For some actors it must be hard looking back at your youthful self: for Warren a good deal less painful.
Simon M Hunter said…
You saw it in '72? κῦδος! I was 4; perhaps the film's subtler points would have passed me by. I'd've enjoyed the Beethoven though.

I still don't know who Warren Clark is, not having seen any of the programmes his wiki entry says he's been in. I would probably have watched Bleak House but was in China.
MeltonM said…
I don't think you would have got in aged 4. 10, possibly. I was really impressed by the film's style, the language and the electronic music. I went to see it with an American girlfriend, in Leicester Square, I think: she was traumatised, and soon after that pissed off with me for taking her. She gave me the bullet a few days later, which was a pity because she was very attractive. Fucking Kubrick.
Simon M Hunter said…
Yes, it's not a roses, chocolates n knickers off now kind of film. I'd recommend something like Sleepless in Seattle next time.

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