T.S.Eliot reads The Waste Land


SugaryCynic said…
My professor played this for the class when we read The Waste Land. SO AWESOME.
Simon M Hunter said…
Yes, I like it too, although opinion is sharply divided as to its merits (the reading, not the poem).
MeltonMowbray said…
I don't like it much. Sounds like someone reading out a bus timetable while sitting on something sharp.
Simon M Hunter said…
Ha, but what about the historical value of having the poet read his work for the ages? Wonderful or stultifying?
MeltonMowbray said…
I wouldn't argue about the historical value: you can't have too many sources. I can't see any sane person modelling their reading of the poem on Eliot's.
Simon M Hunter said…
It would be interesting to have a recording of his reading the poem in 1922, when he had just finished it. I suspect that the reading would have been a good deal less measured.

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