
你可荒谬 - You are so ridiculous

你可荒谬 - You are so ridiculous

Horace, Satires I.iv 33-44

Horace, Satires I.iv 33-44

Thus sang the uncouth swain to th'oaks and rills

Thus sang the uncouth swain to th'oaks and rills

The Awakening

The Awakening

Du Fu: The Winding River (2)

The Winding River

The Akond of Swat

For Harry's Birthday

I'm moving

After over 10 years here, it's time for a change. 20 or 30 of you read this every day, but I have no idea who you are, and I don't really see why I should continue to offer free stuff to anonymous readers. So here's where I am moving to. For now, it will continue to be free. Once enough of you have signed up, I may ask for a small contribution. Fair enough, innit?